Starpeace Online Game
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International Foundation for Extraterrestrial Life (IFEL)
Simulation Operations and Regulatory Division (SORD)
:: Secure Memorandum, Corporate Access Level Beta ::
Item # : IFEL-2024-OPS
Subject: Updated Operational Rules for Simulation Environments
This memorandum establishes the updated guidelines and rules for the different simulation environments managed by IFEL. It is imperative that all corporate entities and individuals involved strictly adhere to these rules to ensure an efficient and harmonious training environment.

General Code of Conduct:
No form of disrespect, aggression, or cheating will be tolerated.
Remember that ZORCON is a free world intended for training, and the environment must be friendly and free from excessive competition.
For a more challenging game experience, consider purchasing a paid subscription.

Specific Details by Simulation:
No Transcendence: Transcendence will not be allowed in this simulation.
Money Transfer Prohibition: Monetary transfers between players or entities will not be permitted.
Magna Level 1 Restriction: Magna level 1 will not be available.
Free Elections: All political positions will be subject to free elections, except for the president, who will be appointed.
City Expansion: Five free cities will be available initially. As they reach maximum space capacity, additional cities will be progressively released.
End-of-Round Nobility Bonus: Active players will receive a nobility bonus at the end of each round.
Round Duration: Each round will last 3 months.
Account Limit per Player: Each player may use 1 free account and 1 registered account or 2 registered accounts.
Money Transfer Prohibition: Monetary transfers between players or entities will not be permitted.
Magna Level 1 Restriction: Magna level 1 will not be available.
Free Elections: All political positions will be subject to free elections.
Unlimited Paid Accounts: There is no limit to the number of paid accounts a player may have.
Allies Page Available: The ally management feature will be available for use.
Minimum Nobility Requirement: A minimum of 50 nobility points is required to participate.
Money Transfer Prohibition: Monetary transfers between players or entities will not be permitted.
Magna Level 1 Restriction: Magna level 1 will not be available.
Free Elections: All political positions will be subject to free elections.
Unlimited Paid Accounts: There is no limit to the number of paid accounts a player may have.
Allies Page Available: The ally management feature will be available for use.
Money Transfer Prohibition: Monetary transfers between players or entities will not be permitted.
Magna Level 1 Restriction: Magna level 1 will not be available.
Free Elections: All political positions will be subject to free elections.
Unlimited Paid Accounts: There is no limit to the number of paid accounts a player may have.
Allies Page Available: The ally management feature will be available for use.
Additional Instructions:
All participants are required to strictly comply with the rules mentioned above.
Any violation will result in sanctions that may include suspension or permanent removal from IFEL simulations.
We recommend that all players regularly review the rules and stay alert for any future updates.

Contact and Support:
For inquiries or more information, please contact your IFEL liaison officer or submit a request through the official IFEL portal.
Simulation Operations and Regulatory Division (SORD)
:: End of Memorandum ::

©2024 / StarpeaceOriginal All rights reserved.