My Account
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Didn't qualify
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Curriculum Items
3/18/2055 - Was declared in bankrupty in 2055 - America/Tourny (0)
3/21/2055 - Joined Tourny in 2055 - America/Tourny (0)
11/26/2052 - Joined Tourny in 2052 - America/Tourny (+5)
12/27/2241 - Joined Zorcon in 2241 - America/Zorcon (+5)
11/25/2078 - Joined Planitia in 2078 - America/Planitia (+5)
1/1/2254 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2254 - America/Zorcon (+50)
4/1/2265 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2265 - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2096 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2096 - America/Planitia (+50)
3/18/2000 - Joined Zorcon in 2000 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2121 - Was elected Mayor of Spryng in the campaign of 2121. - America/Planitia (+50)
8/10/2309 - Joined Valrona in 2309 - America/Valrona (+5)
1/1/2100 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2100 - America/Planitia (+100)
1/1/2047 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2047 - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2139 - Achieved level Master in 2139 - America/Planitia (+200)
1/1/2338 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2338 - America/Valrona (+50)
1/1/2341 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2341 - America/Valrona (+100)
1/1/2146 - Achieved level Master in 2146 - America/Valrona (+200)
1/1/2241 - Was Mayor of Cincinnatus from 0 to 2241 with a 95% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+450)
1/1/2241 - Was Mayor of Cincinnatus from 0 to 2241 with a 95% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+450)
1/1/2201 - Was elected Mayor of Cincinnatus in the campaign of 2201. - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2201 - Was Minister of Valrona from 2201 to 2201 with a 93% of IFEL rating. - America/Valrona (+880)
1/1/2281 - Was Mayor of Cincinnatus from 0 to 2281 with a 89% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+390)
1/1/2361 - Was Mayor of Cincinnatus from 0 to 2361 with a 73% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+230)
1/1/2321 - Was Mayor of Cincinnatus from 0 to 2321 with a 73% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+230)
1/1/2064 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2064 - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2081 - Was elected Mayor of Thrall in the campaign of 2081. - America/Zorcon (+50)
3/13/2000 - Joined Valrona in 2000 - America/Valrona (+5)
1/1/2041 - Was elected Mayor of Slordian in the campaign of 2041. - America/Valrona (+50)
1/1/2121 - Was Mayor of Thrall from 2081 to 2121 with a 78% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+280)
1/1/2138 - Achieved level Master in 2138 - America/Zorcon (+200)
1/1/2081 - Was Mayor of Slordian from 2041 to 2081 with a 60% of popular rating. - America/Valrona (+100)
1/1/2161 - Was Mayor of Thrall from 2081 to 2161 with a 85% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+350)
1/1/2060 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2060 - America/Valrona (+50)
1/1/2201 - Was Mayor of Thrall from 0 to 2201 with a 86% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+360)
1/1/2141 - Achieved level Master in 2141 - America/Valrona (+200)
1/1/2154 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2154 - America/Valrona (+400)
1/1/2121 - Was Mayor of Slordian from 2041 to 2121 with a 84% of popular rating. - America/Valrona (+340)
5/12/2020 - Joined MegaTown in 2020 - Asia/MegaTown (+5)
1/1/2161 - Was Mayor of Slordian from 2041 to 2161 with a 86% of popular rating. - America/Valrona (+360)
1/1/2024 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2024 - Asia/MegaTown (+50)
1/1/2029 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2029 - Asia/MegaTown (+100)
1/1/2241 - Was Mayor of Thrall from 0 to 2241 with a 86% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+360)
1/1/2123 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2123 - America/Valrona (+100)
1/1/2190 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2190 - America/Zorcon (+400)
1/1/2074 - Achieved level Master in 2074 - Asia/MegaTown (+200)
1/1/2281 - Was Mayor of Thrall from 0 to 2281 with a 86% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+360)
1/1/2086 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2086 - Asia/MegaTown (+400)
1/1/2279 - Achieved level Legend in 2279 - America/Valrona (+800)
1/1/2361 - Was Mayor of Thrall from 2321 to 2361 with a 74% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+240)
1/1/2321 - Was Mayor of Thrall from 0 to 2321 with a 72% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+220)
7/20/2000 - Joined Zorcon in 2000 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2186 - Achieved level Legend in 2186 - Asia/MegaTown (+800)
1/1/2081 - Was elected Mayor of Cincinnatus in the campaign of 2081. - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2029 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2029 - America/Valrona (+50)
1/1/2109 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2109 - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2114 - Achieved level Master in 2114 - America/Zorcon (+200)
1/1/2121 - Was Mayor of Cincinnatus from 0 to 2121 with a 80% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+300)
6/3/2000 - Joined Valrona in 2000 - America/Valrona (+5)
1/1/2076 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2076 - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2161 - Was Mayor of Cincinnatus from 2121 to 2161 with a 92% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+420)
1/1/2070 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2070 - America/Valrona (+100)
1/2/2146 - Joined Zorcon in 2146 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2179 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2179 - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2271 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2271 - America/Zorcon (+100)
6/9/2000 - Joined Zorcon in 2000 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2026 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2026 - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2081 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2081 - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2100 - Achieved level Master in 2100 - America/Zorcon (+200)
12/17/2005 - Joined Zorcon in 2005 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2009 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2009 - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2045 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2045 - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2309 - Achieved level Master in 2309 - America/Zorcon (+200)
1/1/2311 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2311 - America/Zorcon (+400)
11/25/2000 - Joined Darkadia in 2000 - America/Darkadia (+5)
1/19/2022 - Was elected Mayor of Necromotis in the campaign of 2022. - America/Darkadia (+50)
1/1/2041 - Was Mayor of Necromotis from 2022 to 2041 with a 54% of popular rating. - America/Darkadia (+40)
1/1/2281 - Was Mayor of Kirby from 2081 to 2281 with a 90% of popular rating. - Europe/Willow (+400)
1/1/3675 - Lost level Beyond Legend II in 3675. - Europe/Angelicus (-2400)
1/1/2081 - Was Mayor of Necromotis from 2022 to 2081 with a 72% of popular rating. - America/Darkadia (+220)
1/1/3710 - Lost level Beyond Legend I in 3710. - Europe/Angelicus (-1800)
1/1/2118 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2118 - America/Darkadia (+100)
1/1/2121 - Was Mayor of Necromotis from 2022 to 2121 with a 85% of popular rating. - America/Darkadia (+350)
1/1/2077 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2077 - America/Darkadia (+50)
1/1/3797 - Achieved level Beyond Legend I in 3797 - Europe/Angelicus (+1200)
1/1/2124 - Achieved level Master in 2124 - America/Darkadia (+200)
1/1/3798 - Lost level Beyond Legend I in 3798. - Europe/Angelicus (-1800)
1/1/2474 - Achieved level Legend in 2474 - America/Zorcon (+800)
5/4/2000 - Joined Zorcon in 2000 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2030 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2030 - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2087 - Achieved level Master in 2087 - America/Zorcon (+200)
1/1/2086 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2086 - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2101 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2101 - America/Zorcon (+400)
1/1/2112 - Achieved level Legend in 2112 - America/Zorcon (+800)
1/1/2048 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2048 - Europe/Willow (+50)
1/1/2081 - Was elected Mayor of Kirby in the campaign of 2081. - Europe/Willow (+50)
1/1/2083 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2083 - Europe/Willow (+100)
7/4/2033 - Joined Willow in 2033 - Europe/Willow (+5)
1/1/2121 - Was Mayor of Kirby from 2081 to 2121 with a 96% of popular rating. - Europe/Willow (+460)
4/27/2039 - Joined Valrona in 2039 - America/Valrona (+5)
1/1/2136 - Achieved level Master in 2136 - Europe/Willow (+200)
1/1/2238 - Achieved level Beyond Legend I in 2238 - America/Zorcon (+1200)
1/1/2239 - Achieved level Beyond Legend II in 2239 - America/Zorcon (+1600)
11/14/3285 - Joined Angelicus in 3285 - Europe/Angelicus (+5)
1/1/3291 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 3291 - Europe/Angelicus (+50)
1/1/3299 - Achieved level Tycoon in 3299 - Europe/Angelicus (+100)
1/1/2201 - Was elected President of Zorcon in the campaign of 2201. - America/Zorcon (+300)
1/1/2201 - Was appointed Minister of Health in the campaign of 2201 by maaster. - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2201 - Was appointed Minister of Education in the campaign of 2201 by maaster. - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2201 - Was appointed Minister of Defense in the campaign of 2201 by maaster. - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2201 - Was appointed Minister of Agriculture in the campaign of 2201 by maaster. - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2201 - Was appointed Minister of Light Industry in the campaign of 2201 by maaster. - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2201 - Was appointed Minister of Heavy Industry in the campaign of 2201 by maaster. - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2201 - Was appointed Minister of Commerce in the campaign of 2201 by maaster. - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2201 - Was appointed Minister of Housing in the campaign of 2201 by maaster. - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2167 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2167 - Europe/Willow (+400)
1/1/2081 - Was elected Mayor of Slordian in the campaign of 2081. - America/Valrona (+50)
1/1/2082 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2082 - America/Valrona (+50)
1/1/3366 - Lost level Beyond Legend II in 3366. - Europe/Angelicus (-2400)
1/1/2285 - Achieved level Beyond Legend IV in 2285 - America/Zorcon (+2800)
1/1/2286 - Lost level Beyond Legend IV in 2286. - America/Zorcon (-4200)
1/1/2201 - Was Mayor of Kirby from 2081 to 2201 with a 95% of popular rating. - Europe/Willow (+450)
1/1/2251 - Achieved level Beyond Legend III in 2251 - America/Zorcon (+2000)
1/1/3422 - Achieved level Beyond Legend II in 3422 - Europe/Angelicus (+1600)
1/1/3316 - Achieved level Master in 3316 - Europe/Angelicus (+200)
1/1/3317 - Achieved level Paradigm in 3317 - Europe/Angelicus (+400)
1/1/3327 - Achieved level Beyond Legend I in 3327 - Europe/Angelicus (+1200)
1/1/2161 - Was Mayor of Kirby from 2081 to 2161 with a 95% of popular rating. - Europe/Willow (+450)
1/1/3325 - Achieved level Legend in 3325 - Europe/Angelicus (+800)
1/1/3336 - Achieved level Beyond Legend II in 3336 - Europe/Angelicus (+1600)
1/1/2143 - Achieved level Master in 2143 - America/Valrona (+200)
1/1/2144 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2144 - America/Valrona (+400)
1/1/3481 - Was Minister of Angelicus from 3481 to 3481 with a 71% of IFEL rating. - Europe/Angelicus (+440)
1/1/2241 - Was Mayor of Kirby from 2081 to 2241 with a 93% of popular rating. - Europe/Willow (+430)
1/1/2159 - Achieved level Legend in 2159 - America/Valrona (+800)
1/1/2161 - Was Mayor of Slordian from 2081 to 2161 with a 81% of popular rating. - America/Valrona (+310)
4/16/2161 - Transcended in 2161 - America/Valrona (+1000)
1/1/2121 - Was Mayor of Slordian from 2081 to 2121 with a 84% of popular rating. - America/Valrona (+340)
1/1/2314 - Achieved level Beyond Legend IV in 2314 - America/Zorcon (+2800)
1/1/2135 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2135 - America/Valrona (+100)
3/1/2229 - Was Mayor of Necromotis from 0 to 2201 with a 79% of popular rating. - America/Darkadia (+290)
4/1/2190 - Was Mayor of Necromotis from 2022 to 2161 with a 83% of popular rating. - America/Darkadia (+330)
9/22/2000 - Joined Zorcon in 2000 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2121 - Was Mayor of Cincinnatus from 2081 to 2121 with a 88% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+380)
1/1/2161 - Was Minister of Zorcon from 2161 to 2161 with a 100% of IFEL rating. - America/Zorcon (+1020)
1/1/2161 - Was appointed Minister of Housing in the campaign of 2161 by Neme. - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2161 - Was Mayor of Cincinnatus from 0 to 2161 with a 73% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+230)
1/1/2021 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2021 - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2084 - Achieved level Master in 2084 - America/Zorcon (+200)
1/1/2076 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2076 - America/Zorcon (+100)
9/1/2122 - Was elected Mayor of Cincinnatus in the campaign of 2121. - America/Zorcon (+50)
9/1/2122 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2099 - America/Zorcon (+400)
1/1/2161 - Was Mayor of Cincinnatus from 0 to 2161 with a 76% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+260)
1/1/2019 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2019 - America/Zorcon (+100)
7/15/2000 - Joined Zorcon in 2000 - America/Zorcon (+5)
2/1/2041 - Was elected Mayor of Zuzil in the campaign of 2041. - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2007 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2007 - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2081 - Was Mayor of Zuzil from 2041 to 2081 with a 78% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+280)
1/1/2091 - Achieved level Master in 2091 - America/Zorcon (+200)
1/1/2099 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2099 - America/Zorcon (+400)
1/1/2121 - Was Mayor of Zuzil from 2041 to 2121 with a 91% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+410)
1/1/2161 - Was Mayor of Zuzil from 2041 to 2161 with a 87% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+370)
1/1/2020 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2020 - America/Zorcon (+100)
11/4/2000 - Joined Zorcon in 2000 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2015 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2015 - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2081 - Was appointed Minister of Housing in the campaign of 2081 by Tigger. - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2081 - Was elected Mayor of Cincinnatus in the campaign of 2081. - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2096 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2096 - America/Zorcon (+400)
1/1/2066 - Achieved level Master in 2066 - America/Zorcon (+200)
5/31/2135 - Joined Zorcon in 2135 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2152 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2152 - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2160 - Achieved level Master in 2160 - America/Zorcon (+200)
1/1/2183 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2183 - America/Zorcon (+400)
4/29/2000 - Joined Zorcon in 2000 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2146 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2146 - America/Zorcon (+50)
5/1/2114 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2113 - America/Zorcon (+100)
11/15/5005 - Joined Angelicus in 5005 - Europe/Angelicus (+5)
1/1/2961 - Was Mayor of Latinia from 0 to 2961 with a 69% of popular rating. - Europe/Xalion (+190)
1/1/3041 - Was Mayor of Kirby from 0 to 3041 with a 67% of popular rating. - Europe/Willow (+170)
1/1/2139 - Achieved level Master in 2139 - America/Zorcon (+200)
1/1/2145 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2145 - America/Zorcon (+400)
1/1/2161 - Achieved level Legend in 2161 - America/Zorcon (+800)
1/1/2161 - Was Minister of Zorcon from 2161 to 2161 with a 109% of IFEL rating. - America/Zorcon (+1200)
1/1/2161 - Was Mayor of Thrall from 2081 to 2161 with a 86% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+360)
1/1/2167 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2167 - America/Zorcon (+50)
10/2/2165 - Transcended in 2165 - America/Zorcon (+1000)
1/30/2166 - Joined Zorcon in 2166 - America/Zorcon (0)
1/1/2121 - Was Mayor of Thrall from 2081 to 2121 with a 83% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+330)
1/1/3081 - Was Mayor of Kirby from 0 to 3081 with a 69% of popular rating. - Europe/Willow (+190)
1/1/2201 - Was appointed Minister of Health in the campaign of 2201 by AcA-Corp. - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2201 - Was elected Mayor of Thrall in the campaign of 2201. - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/3001 - Was Mayor of Latinia from 0 to 3001 with a 69% of popular rating. - Europe/Xalion (+190)
1/1/3121 - Was Mayor of Kirby from 0 to 3121 with a 68% of popular rating. - Europe/Willow (+180)
1/1/3041 - Was Mayor of Latinia from 0 to 3041 with a 69% of popular rating. - Europe/Xalion (+190)
1/1/2219 - Achieved level Master in 2219 - America/Zorcon (+200)
1/1/2180 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2180 - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/3081 - Was Mayor of Latinia from 0 to 3081 with a 70% of popular rating. - Europe/Xalion (+200)
1/1/3161 - Was Mayor of Kirby from 0 to 3161 with a 68% of popular rating. - Europe/Willow (+180)
1/1/3177 - Achieved level Paradigm in 3177 - Europe/Willow (+400)
12/1/2274 - Was fired from Mayor of Thrall in 2274. - America/Zorcon (-400)
10/1/2239 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2224 - America/Zorcon (+400)
1/1/2281 - Was Minister of Zorcon from 2281 to 2281 with a 100% of IFEL rating. - America/Zorcon (+1020)
1/1/2281 - Was Mayor of Thrall from 2278 to 2281 with a 89% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+390)
1/1/2241 - Was Mayor of Thrall from 2201 to 2241 with a 91% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+410)
1/1/3201 - Was Mayor of Kirby from 0 to 3201 with a 69% of popular rating. - Europe/Willow (+190)
5/31/2524 - Joined Willow in 2524 - Europe/Willow (+5)
1/1/2041 - Was elected Mayor of Osage in the campaign of 2041. - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2561 - Was elected Mayor of Kirby in the campaign of 2561. - Europe/Willow (+50)
1/1/2053 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2053 - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2568 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2568 - Europe/Willow (+100)
1/1/2537 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2537 - Europe/Willow (+50)
1/1/2026 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2026 - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2601 - Was Mayor of Kirby from 2561 to 2601 with a 79% of popular rating. - Europe/Willow (+290)
1/1/2097 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2097 - America/Zorcon (+400)
1/1/2121 - Was Mayor of Osage from 2041 to 2121 with a 76% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+260)
1/1/2122 - Achieved level Legend in 2122 - America/Zorcon (+800)
1/1/2641 - Was Mayor of Kirby from 2561 to 2641 with a 79% of popular rating. - Europe/Willow (+290)
1/1/2128 - Achieved level Beyond Legend I in 2128 - America/Zorcon (+1200)
1/1/2642 - Achieved level Master in 2642 - Europe/Willow (+200)
1/1/2077 - Achieved level Master in 2077 - America/Zorcon (+200)
1/1/2081 - Was Mayor of Osage from 2041 to 2081 with a 80% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+300)
1/1/2587 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2587 - Europe/Xalion (+50)
1/1/2158 - Lost level Beyond Legend IV in 2158. - America/Zorcon (-4200)
1/1/2160 - Achieved level Beyond Legend IV in 2160 - America/Zorcon (+2800)
1/1/2161 - Was appointed Minister of Heavy Industry in the campaign of 2161 by toriando. - America/Zorcon (+100)
1/1/2161 - Was Mayor of Osage from 2041 to 2161 with a 82% of popular rating. - America/Zorcon (+320)
1/1/2166 - Achieved level Beyond Legend V in 2166 - America/Zorcon (+3600)
1/1/2599 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2599 - Europe/Xalion (+100)
1/1/2601 - Was Mayor of Latinia from 2572 to 2601 with a 82% of popular rating. - Europe/Xalion (+320)
1/1/2681 - Was Mayor of Kirby from 2561 to 2681 with a 79% of popular rating. - Europe/Willow (+290)
1/1/2605 - Achieved level Master in 2605 - Europe/Xalion (+200)
1/1/2185 - Lost level Beyond Legend V in 2185. - America/Zorcon (-5400)
1/1/2187 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2187 - America/Zorcon (+50)
8/5/2185 - Transcended in 2185 - America/Zorcon (+1800)
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