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Curriculum Items
1/25/2181 - Joined Planitia in 2181 - America/Planitia (+5)
1/1/2120 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2120 - America/Zorcon (+100)
3/20/2091 - Joined Zorcon in 2091 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2143 - Achieved level Master in 2143 - America/Zorcon (+200)
1/1/2093 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2093 - America/Zorcon (+50)
1/1/2212 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2212 - America/Planitia (+50)
9/7/2000 - Joined Planitia in 2000 - America/Planitia (+5)
1/1/2175 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2175 - America/Zorcon (+400)
7/19/2003 - Joined Planitia in 2003 - America/Planitia (+5)
3/13/2014 - Was elected Mayor of New Suez in the campaign of 2014. - America/Planitia (+50)
1/1/2017 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2017 - America/Planitia (+50)
1/1/2216 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2216 - America/Planitia (+100)
1/1/2081 - Was Mayor of New Suez from 0 to 2081 with a 72% of popular rating. - America/Planitia (+220)
1/1/2082 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2082 - America/Planitia (+100)
1/1/2090 - Achieved level Master in 2090 - America/Planitia (+200)
5/10/2001 - Joined Tourny in 2001 - America/Tourny (+5)
1/1/2041 - Was Mayor of New Suez from 0 to 2041 with a 55% of popular rating. - America/Planitia (+50)
1/1/2121 - Was Mayor of New Suez from 0 to 2121 with a 78% of popular rating. - America/Planitia (+280)
5/11/2221 - Joined Xalion in 2221 - Europe/Xalion (+5)
10/28/2186 - Joined Angelicus in 2186 - Europe/Angelicus (+5)
1/1/2192 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2192 - Europe/Angelicus (+50)
1/1/2228 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2228 - Europe/Xalion (+50)
1/1/2201 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2201 - Europe/Angelicus (+100)
1/1/2041 - Was elected Mayor of Zuzil in the campaign of 2041. - America/Zorcon (+50)
6/9/2000 - Joined Xalion in 2000 - Europe/Xalion (+5)
1/1/2137 - Achieved level Legend in 2137 - America/Planitia (+800)
1/1/2017 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2017 - Europe/Xalion (+50)
11/17/2003 - Joined Zorcon in 2003 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2019 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2019 - Europe/Xalion (+100)
8/24/2000 - Joined Junkyard in 2000 - Europe/Junkyard (+5)
12/2/2004 - Was declared in bankrupty in 2004 - Europe/Junkyard (0)
11/10/2061 - Was declared in bankrupty in 2061 - America/Zorcon (0)
1/1/2114 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2114 - America/Planitia (+400)
5/13/2302 - Joined Zorcon in 2302 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2041 - Was elected Mayor of Shang Mei in the campaign of 2041. - Europe/Xalion (+50)
1/1/2046 - Achieved level Master in 2046 - Europe/Xalion (+200)
1/1/2066 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2066 - Europe/Xalion (+400)
1/1/2266 - Was declared in bankrupty in 2266 - Europe/Angelicus (-100)
5/8/2126 - Joined Junkyard2 in 2126 - Europe/Junkyard2 (+5)
7/6/2126 - Was declared in bankrupty in 2126 - Europe/Junkyard2 (0)
7/7/2126 - Joined Junkyard2 in 2126 - Europe/Junkyard2 (0)
1/27/2149 - Joined Zorcon in 2149 - America/Zorcon (0)
1/1/2131 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2131 - Europe/Junkyard2 (+50)
1/1/2135 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2135 - Europe/Junkyard2 (+100)
1/1/2143 - Achieved level Master in 2143 - Europe/Junkyard2 (+200)
1/1/2146 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2146 - Europe/Junkyard2 (+400)
1/1/2081 - Was Mayor of Shang Mei from 0 to 2081 with a 69% of popular rating. - Europe/Xalion (+190)
1/1/2121 - Was Mayor of Shang Mei from 0 to 2121 with a 73% of popular rating. - Europe/Xalion (+230)
1/1/2161 - Was elected Mayor of Podan in the campaign of 2161. - Europe/Junkyard2 (+50)
12/1/2127 - Was fired from Mayor of Shang Mei in 2127. - Europe/Xalion (-400)
4/26/2000 - Joined Xalion in 2000 - Europe/Xalion (+5)
7/15/2190 - Transcended in 2190 - Europe/Junkyard2 (+800)
5/17/2136 - Was declared in bankrupty in 2136 - America/Zorcon (0)
10/23/2232 - Joined Junkyard2 in 2232 - Europe/Junkyard2 (0)
10/19/2408 - Joined Willow in 2408 - Europe/Willow (+5)
1/1/2236 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2236 - Europe/Junkyard2 (+50)
1/1/2245 - Achieved level Master in 2245 - Europe/Junkyard2 (+200)
1/1/2028 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2028 - Europe/Xalion (+100)
1/1/2244 - Achieved level Tycoon in 2244 - Europe/Junkyard2 (+100)
3/1/2008 - Joined MegaTown in 2008 - Asia/MegaTown (+5)
1/1/2248 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2248 - Europe/Junkyard2 (+400)
1/1/2420 - Was declared in bankrupty in 2420 - Europe/Willow (0)
1/1/2036 - Achieved level Master in 2036 - Europe/Xalion (+200)
1/1/2041 - Was elected Mayor of Hellasia in the campaign of 2041. - Europe/Xalion (+50)
3/21/2291 - Transcended in 2291 - Europe/Junkyard2 (+800)
1/1/2053 - Achieved level Paradigm in 2053 - Europe/Xalion (+400)
2/1/2060 - Was fired from Mayor of Hellasia in 2060. - Europe/Xalion (-400)
1/1/2011 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2011 - Europe/Xalion (+50)
1/1/2099 - Achieved level Beyond Legend I in 2099 - Europe/Xalion (+1200)
1/1/2110 - Achieved level Beyond Legend II in 2110 - Europe/Xalion (+1600)
1/1/2121 - Lost level Beyond Legend I in 2121. - Europe/Xalion (-1800)
1/1/2121 - Was Mayor of Hellasia from 2081 to 2121 with a 97% of popular rating. - Europe/Xalion (+470)
1/1/2120 - Lost level Beyond Legend II in 2120. - Europe/Xalion (-2400)
1/1/2124 - Achieved level Beyond Legend I in 2124 - Europe/Xalion (+1200)
1/1/2125 - Achieved level Beyond Legend II in 2125 - Europe/Xalion (+1600)
1/1/2080 - Achieved level Legend in 2080 - Europe/Xalion (+800)
1/1/2081 - Was elected Mayor of Hellasia in the campaign of 2081. - Europe/Xalion (+50)
5/28/2149 - Joined Xalion in 2149 - Europe/Xalion (0)
9/20/2148 - Transcended in 2148 - Europe/Xalion (+1200)
1/1/2145 - Lost level Beyond Legend II in 2145. - Europe/Xalion (-2400)
6/9/2159 - Joined Zorcon in 2159 - America/Zorcon (+5)
1/1/2161 - Achieved level Entrepreneur in 2161 - America/Zorcon (+50)
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